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Class Struggles in Argentina and US.Imperialism with Guillermo Kane

  • 3036 24th Street San Francisco, CA 94110 USA (map)

Guillermo Kane,member of the Partido Obrero (Workers Party) in Argentina and an elected legislator at the Buenos Aires Province Regional Parliament and also a Professor at the University of Buenos Aires,will be speaking about the current struggles in Argentina against the Milei reactionary government and its alliance with Yankee imperialism. Professor Kane will inform us about how the working class and its allies are fighting back against the neoliberal measures that the IMF, World Bank, USA and the E.U.are trying to impose in Argentina.

He will also be presenting his book,"La Crisis Del Imperio Norteamericano de Trump a Biden"(The Crisis of the American Empire from Trump to Biden)an excellent analysis of the current political state of affairs of the U.S.Empire in the world vs. the working class and the exploited classes and the USA vs. China,Russia, European Union and others 

Habrá traducción al español.

July 18

Speaking Axolotl

July 22

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by San Francisco Solidarity Collective