Upcoming Events

Other Dimensions in Sound presents Monolith Majestic
Other Dimensions in Sound is our Friday music series curated and hosted by Boohaabian multi reed player extraordinare David Boyce. Each week David will be inviting different musical guests to join him in our galeria for a night of sonic sustenance.
Tonight’s potent musical medicina is being provided by Monolith Majestic

Pop-up art show opening “Obsidian Light” by Txutxo Perez
!TONIGHT the chingonest of them all Txutxo Perez is having a pop up art show in our galeria and you’re invited to the pachanga!
“Obsidian Light’ will be up from March 21st to April 9th and will feature new works.
Txutxo Pérez has been a visual artist, printmaker and painter for the last 35 years. He uses oil and water-based materials, different printmaking processes, and gilding. Txutxo’s aesthetics are the result of his growing up in a popular neighborhood in Mexico City, where punk, Surrealism, and Dada walked hand in hand. This vision originated on street life, blending gilding--an old technique introduced in Mexico by the Spaniards and used to show dominance and spiritual alienation—with current events. Before the artist was even able to talk, he was exposed to his own father’s taste for Asian Art and the knowledge of gilding techniques. As an immigrant who carries a full cultural baggage, Txutxo’s visual expression was further enrichened with his arrival in the cosmopolitan SF. Unlike the gilded church altars and religious figures that were part of his father’s trade, the golden surfaces in Txuto’s art become backgrounds to surreal images, where characters display emotions, vices, and virtues. These human components remove any sacred reference, making them mundane. These are ludic, open spaces where diverse ethnic roots, cultural symbols, and everyday stories collide, as often happens in big cities.

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

Other Dimensions in Sound presents Red Fast Luck
Other Dimensions in Sound is our Friday music series curated and hosted by Boohaabian multi reed player extraordinare David Boyce. Each week David will be inviting different musical guests to join him in our galeria for a night of sonic sustenance.
Tonight’s potent musical medicina is being provided by Red Fast Luck(David Boyce-reeds and electronics, PC Munoz percussion, boomstick, intergalatic hook rug)

Clothing & Book Swap hosted by Swap in the Park
The folks who "Swap in the Park" are coming back to 24th St! The collective of friends and fashionistas on a budget will be hosting their 2nd clothing and book swap in the Medicine for Nightmares gallery. While the clothing swaps were originally inspired by online "no-buy" clubs, this swap encourages us to clean out our closets and come together for an afternoon of sharing and caring. All are welcome to give and take clean and gently used clothes and books. No undergarments please! Only books in the gallery are free to share, please respect business practices in the book store space. If you have no items to give at this time, you are still welcome to hang out and create a mini zine in celebration of community. Templates and art supplies will be provided.
¡La gente "Swap in the Park" viene a 24th St! El colectivo de amigos y amantes de la moda con un presupuesto limitado organizará su intercambio de ropa y libros en la galería: Medicina Para Pesadillas. Si bien los intercambios de ropa se inspiraron originalmente en clubes en línea que "no compran", este intercambio nos anima a limpiar nuestros armarios y reunirnos para pasar una tarde compartiendo y cuidando. Todos son bienvenidos a dar y recibir ropa y libros limpios y en buen estado. ¡Sin ropa interior por favor! Solo los libros de la galería se pueden compartir de forma gratuita; respete las prácticas comerciales en el espacio de la librería. Si no tiene artículos para regalar en este momento, aún puede pasar el rato y crear una mini revista para celebrar la comunidad. Se proporcionarán plantillas y materiales de arte.

No Kings! No Queens! Chess Club
No Kings! No Queens! is the super-chill community chess club that gathers the 1st Sunday of every month in the galeria. Hosted by Danny Cao, all ages and skill levels are encouraged to come. Never played chess? We'll teach you! Come hang out, talk chess and play a few games.

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

Kulintang Dialogue
Join us for our 3rd installation of our "Kulintang Dialogue" workshop series! Hands-on workshop on kulintang music paired discussion. We will be focusing on a piece called "Binalig." No music experience is needed at all; we will learn by rote(watching and copying patterns & rhythms), and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Just like our last workshop, all proceeds will benefit an organization. Register for the workshop by scanning the QR code on the flyer, or click the link in the bio!

Pulp Fiction from India presentd by Blaft Publications
At the time of India's independence in 1947, only about 12% of the population was literate. Today that figure is over 80%. To satisfy this hungry population of one billion new readers, there's been an explosion of crime novels, horror writing, science fiction stories, kitschy romance, noir, and supernatural thrillers--in nearly every one of the country's 22 official languages. Blaft Publications, an independent publishing house from Chennai, has been hunting down the wildest & craziest of these stories and translating them into English for a local and global audience. Join editors Rakesh Khanna and Rashmi Ruth Devadasan for a discussion of Tamil-language detective duos, Urdu-language supervillains, and their latest release, The Blaft Anthology of Gujarati Pulp Fiction. There will also be a slideshow of incredibly wacky pulp cover art from all over the country!
Rashmi Ruth Devadasan is a writer with over twenty-five years of experience in indie publishing, feature films, and Indian English theatre. With Blaft she has been part of the selection, editing, design and production of the company's fiction in translation, comic book anthologies, original fiction, and zines. She is the author of Kumari Loves a Monster, a picture book created with the artist Shyam, and co-editor of The Blaft Book of Anti-Caste SF.
Rakesh Khanna grew up in Berkeley, California, of mixed Punjabi and Anglo-American heritage. He is the author of Ghosts, Monsters, and Demons of India, and the editor of The Blaft Anthology of Tamil Pulp Fiction, Vol. 1 and 2 and The Blaft Anthology of Gujarati Pulp Fiction. Sometimes he edits mathematics textbooks. He is also interested in marine invertebrates, palaeontology, demonology, combinatorics, and banging on things to see what they sound like.
Blaft Publications is an independent publishing house based in Chennai, India. Our list includes Indian, Pakistani, and Nigerian pulp novels in English translation; weird fiction; folktales; ghostlore; graphic novels; zines; speculative fiction by writers from caste-oppressed communities; and picture books about young women who are in love with monsters.

Other Dimensions in Sound presents Fumi Davis and Fred Moten
Other Dimensions in Sound is our Friday music series curated and hosted by Boohaabian multi reed player extraordinare David Boyce. Each week David will be inviting different musical guests to join him in our galeria for a night of sonic sustenance.
Tonight’s sonic sustenance is being provided by Fumi Davis(vocalist) and Fred Moten(poet)

Salo Salo: stories, music, community
Salo salo is a Filipino term for “party, gathering, banquet.” Especially now, we invite folks who hunger for community nourishment: Come! Join us ‘around the table’ for restorative & joy-filled kinship via stories from Subo and Baon: A Memoir in Bites, live music, and with-nessing one another.
In Subo and Baon: A Memoir in Bites, Ella deCastro Baron invites us to a communal meal, a roundtable collection of creative nonfiction. The subo (handfed bites) and baon (food to go) she serves are kitchen counter-stories marinated in Filipino American identity, faith, family, chronic illness, and the complex fullness of being, becoming. Here, ancestors and more-than-human kin conspire, too. This is kapwa, deep interconnection. May those who partake in Ella’s generous offerings savor, metabolize, and be fed by core Filipino values that infuse flavor and sustenance into American culture.
Ella deCastro Baron (she/siya/we) is a second generation Filipina American from Coastal Miwok lands (Vallejo, California). She teaches English and Creative Writing at San Diego City and Mesa Colleges as well as in the Zoom-verse with Urban Haiku. Ella's books are Subo and Baon: a Memoir in Bites (2024) and Itchy, Brown Girl Seeks Employment (2009). She conspires with art-ivists to produce workshops and kapwa (deep interconnection) gatherings that stir love and justice via writing, art, joy, grief-tending, movement, food and community. Her favorite pronoun, more than ever, is We. Find some of Ella’s offerings at elladecastrobaron.com.
Dr. Jeannie Estella Celestial, PhD, MSW (she/her/siya) is a licensed psychologist and leadership coach who specializes in trauma recovery and posttraumatic growth among AAPI women. Dr. Celestial is a bestselling co-author of “The Filipino Instant Pot Cookbook” and co-editor/co-author of “Clinical Interventions for Internalized Oppression”. Her ancestry is from Cebu and Cavite, Philippines by way of Guam. Dr. Celestial serves at Richmond Area Multi-Services, Inc. (RAMS) as the Trauma, Grief, & Loss Counselor in San Francisco public high schools. She is a founding member of Filipino/x Mental Health Initiative (FMHI) in San Francisco & Solano/Napa. Connect with her at drcelestial.com.
Sheilani Alix (she/her) sings and plays jazz first influenced by her mother constantly playing records by Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, and more since she was a little girl. She currently performs as a vocalist with two main groups, and has also performed with other local artists trios, including those of Dan Damon and Kurt Ribak. They can be enjoyed around the Bay Area at private events and venues that include The Boom Boom Room and Yoshi’s. Sheilani also records original music and has released acclaimed solo albums, When Night Falls and Lovesong. Find more at https://sheilanialix.com/

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

Beyond the Ocean of Nazım Hikmet: Hydro-futurity and the Kurdo-Anatolian Poetics of Ahmed Arif
Jason Rodriguez Vivrette and Ali Yağız Şen are finalizing the first complete English translation of Ahmed Arif's seminal 1968 poetry collection, Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim (‘Longing for You Have I Worn Through Shackles’). This event will offer a talk about the work, a poetry reading, and musical performances. The talk will first contextualize Ahmed Arif and his Turkish-language work, particularly in relation to the dominant 'coastal voices' of Nazım Hikmet and Orhan Veli. While Ahmed Arif is widely known for his celebration of the mountainous eastern regions of Anatolia, the presentation will also explore how Arif legitimized such a shift away from the sea: adapting water discourses associated with the Mediterranean West to create an alternative 'hydro-poetics' of the land-locked East. In addition, the talk will touch on some of the challenges of translating the hyper-local, Kurdo-Anatolian terrain of Ahmed Arif's poetry into English. The talk will be followed by a reading of a sample of the translated poems in English, and musical performances of well-known song versions of some of Ahmed Arif’s poems.
Jason Rodriguez Vivrette is a third-generation Oakland-native and a PhD candidate in the Department of Comparative Literature at UC Berkeley, specializing in Ottoman and Modern Turkish, Arabic, and Italian literatures. His dissertation project explores questions of hydropoetics and hydropower in the management of the peripheries of the Ottoman Empire, with a comparative focus on the frontier zones of Kurdistan and North Africa (including intersections with Sicily and the Italian Mezzogiorno). Since 2013, Jason has served as Lecturer in Turkish in the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures at UC Berkeley, where he teaches all levels of Modern Turkish language, along with advanced courses in Ottoman, Turkish and Azeri literature and film. He holds an MA in Comparative Literature from UC Berkeley, as well as BA degrees in both Film and Italian Studies from the University of Southern California. In addition to his academic accomplishments, Jason is an established musician (electric bass, piano, guitar, vocals). He is also the English translator of literary and scholarly works from Italian, Arabic, Modern Greek, French, and Ottoman and Modern Turkish.
Ali Yağız Şen is an Istanbul-born linguist, multi-instrumentalist, educator, and scholar, deeply engaged in the language and musical traditions of the Balkans. With a Master's degree in Linguistics from Boğaziçi University, he has over a decade of experience teaching Turkish at prestigious institutions like Boğaziçi University, the University of Pittsburgh, and The Turkish Program under the Halbuki Linguist Cooperative, of which he is a co-founder and the current director. Passionate about multilingualism and historical linguistics, Yağız dedicates much of his time to improving access to high quality education in less commonly taught languages, while supporting linguist livelihoods, linguistic justice, and revitalization of endangered languages at Halbuki. Fluent in Turkish, English, and German, he is also studying Russian and Quechua, and is an experienced translator, activist and researcher; his translation work includes the Turkish publication of Cities for People, not for Profit (2011). As a musician, Yağız is proficient in bouzouki, guitar, percussion, bass, and vocals. He leads The Metanastys, a San Francisco-based musical ensemble, fostering a communal approach to music through workshops and performances. Yağız has taught makam theory at the legendary Eastern European Folklife Center (‘Balkan Camp’) in Mendocino, CA.

Speaking Axolotl
Come gather and hear decolonized verses, spanglish poesia, Latine spokenword, Pocho poems and neighborhood chisme at Speaking Axolotl, the Bay Area’s long running monthly Latine Reading series.
This month’s feature is Lourdes Figueroa.
Lourdes Figueroa is an oral poet. Her poems are a dialogue of her lived experience when her family worked in el azadón in Yolo County. The words el azadón are used by the ones who work in the fields – the work of tilling the soil under the blistering sun. She is the author of the chapbooks yolotl and Ruidos = To Learn Speak, completed during her Alley Cat Books Residency. She received her MFA in Poetry at the University of San Francisco. She is a recipient of the 2021 Nomadic Press Literary Award in Poetry selected by emeritus poet Laureate Kim Shuck. She works and lives in Oakland with her wife, filmmaker, Peggy Peralta. Together in July of 2020 they launched Bilbil Projects, a space where poem & film come together. Lourdes is a native of limbo nation. Lourdes continues to believe in your lung and your throat.
10 slot open mic list goes up a las 6:50pm
NOTA; Speaking Axolotl is a BIPOC reading series which means black and brown poets only on the mic. Whyte folks are more than welcome to attend and listen but their presence is not required.

Other Dimensions in Sound presents B-Side Galaxy
Other Dimensions in Sound is our Friday music series curated and hosted by Boohaabian multi reed player extraordinare David Boyce. Each week David will be inviting different musical guests to join him in our galeria for a night of sonic sustenance.
Tonight’s musical medicina is being provided by B-Side Galaxy

SF Bay Area Tatreez Circle
Join us for an afternoon of tatreez, Palestinian embroidery, as we come together in community to stitch. A tatreez circle is a gathering of tatreez artists who stitch together while sharing stories and learning from each other. All levels of experience are welcome but this is not meant to be a workshop. Bring your own projects and your own supplies. If you’re new to this, we’ll help you get started! Register for free here.
What is Tatreez? Tatreez is the art of Palestinian embroidery that has been practiced in Palestine for centuries. A practice passed down generationally from mother to daughter. Taking inspiration from the land and everyday life, Palestinian women hand stitched motifs and patterns directly onto their thobe that represented their social status, the villages/regions from which they hailed and their individuality.
Can I join if I'm not Palestinian? YES! This is a space for Palestinians and non-Palestinians who share a love of tatreez. Regardless of who practices tatreez, it is important to always remember the history of this beautiful art and the role it plays today in the Palestinian resistance movement, both in Palestine and within the diaspora. These circles are a safe space for Palestinians and our allies.
Organized by the SF Bay Area Tatreez Circle, a volunteer group of Bay Area diaspora Palestinians and non-Palestinian allies. If you’re new to tatreez and have questions please reach out to sfbaytatreez@gmail.com.
The SF Bay Area Tatreez Circle wholeheartedly stands for Palestinian liberation and in support of Palestinian resistance. This is not a space or an art practice for anyone who does not hold these values.
We stitch in community to feel connect to each other, our ancestors, and our homeland. We stitch together here in preparation to stitch together in a free Palestine - from the river to the sea!

To Gaza with Love art opening
Join us this evening for the opening celebration of “To Gaza with Love” a collective art show featuring local and international Palestinian artists Alan Farah Morcos, Hussam, Asma Ghanem, Muftah Elsheref, Manar Harb, Ibrahim Isam, Asil Alkabariti, Lara Aburamadan,Chris Gazaleh, and Ren Allathkani,
Alan Farah Morcos. Inspired by his father’s stories of Jaffa and a deep love for art, envisioned a place where the rich narratives of the Middle East and its diaspora could shine. Gallery Habibi was born from this vision, aiming to bridge cultural divides and foster meaningful dialogue through compelling exhibitions and shared experiences. Our mission is simple yet profound: to celebrate the diversity of voices and talents from the region while making art accessible and engaging for all.
Hussam (he/him/they/them) is Palestinian American born and raised in the Bay Area. Their work can center around Palestinian culture and activism, to stunning fine nude photography, to surreal digital paintings. Hussam continues to explore with their signature style marked by elaborate motifs, dark contrasts and provocative imagery centering Palestinian identity, culture and spirituality.
Asma Ghanem is a Palestinian artist, experimental musician, and writer. She was born in Damascus, Syria in 1991. Asma has two degrees in audio-visual arts from the International Academy of Arts in Palestine (2013 - BA) and a Master's Degree (M.A) from the University of Fine Arts in Toulouse-France (ISDAT), 2016. She has participated in numerous exhibitions, art residencies, and workshops worldwide. She won a Special Mention in The Palestin' & Out competition in Paris for her photography project “Bodies with notes” in 2015. She also won the 3rd prize in The Young Artist Award/The Hassan Al-Hourani Prize in 2016 for her experimental music project "Homeland is...". In 2024, she gave lectures at Cornell University in New York and CalArts University in California on her life and art practice as a Palestinian artist and art from the Arab World. The works of Asma are inspired by the imaginative nature of narrating the personal experience of the occupation in Palestine. Her artistic and musical works are connected to her childhood and are centered around essential components such as the concept of homeland, the sonic experience under occupation, the world of imagination, and love stories in an occupied place. Asma employs research and content using different artistic techniques such as painting, experimental music, writing, photography, and video art. She currently lives and works in Oakland, California.
Muftah grew up and currently lives in Libya. He has a Bachelor of Arts from Omar Al-Mukhtar University in Darnah, a Master of Oil Painting from Tripoli University and a PHD in Oil Painting from Libyan Academy in Tripoli. He is currently a lecturer at OmarAl-Muktar University. His style encompasses oil, acrylic, pen & ink and mixed media. He has done 9 group exhibitions and 3 solo exhibitions.
Manar grew up in Ramallah, Palestine amid the life-draining viciousness of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and its apartheid state regime. Her paintings place us in a surging and calming state of being that sees the sinews of our bodies as close-ups of plants, as abstract aerial visions of earth and water, as sound waveforms and letter shapes spiritually embodied. Manar obtained an MFA in Book Art & Creative Writing from Mills College. She is also an Arabic teacher and currently lives in Oakland. In 2024, she had a solo exhibition at Round Weather Gallery in Oakland.
Ibrahim was born in the Shati Palestinian refugee camp near the Gaza Sea. He is the father of 5 children. He finished high school education in Gaza then traveled to Ukraine to join the Institute of International Relations. After four years he returned to Gaza to practice his passion in film making to become a film maker. He was able to develop his own approach to making short films which he compiled in a book entitled “A Window on Short Film.” He then started training programs in the production of short films and cartoon films, which were specifically designed for children and young adults. He finished equipping his own film laboratory in a section of his house but when the war broke out in Gaza his family fled to the south and a group of local thieves looted his house and all of his filmmaking, editing and lighting equipment. He was able to salvage several of his cameras and has designed a special program for the psychological support of through photography. He is currently capturing many candid shots of children at sunrise and sunset on the shore of the Gaza Sea.
Asil Alkabariti a visual artist and storyteller, is originally from Gaza City and is now based in the US. Her journey with photography started back home in Gaza, where she would take countless walks through the city with her camera, Eve, exploring new ways to heal and discover herself. During this time, she was deeply inspired by the vibrant energy and diversity of her hometown. Her photography from those days is a reflection of her intimate relationship with Gaza—its streets, its people, its contradictions, and its beauty. She believes in unfiltered storytelling, so she keeps her photos lightly edited to preserve the authenticity of the scenes she captures. Through her lens, her hope is to offer a fresh and honest perspective of Gaza, showing its resilience, humanity, and the complexity of life there.
Lara Aburamadan is a Palestinian multidisciplinary artist, singer and founder of Refugee Eye. Born and raised in Gaza City, Lara is now based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her photographs and writings have been published in Time Magazine, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and elsewhere.
Amani Zacharia Rodriguez is an artist, farmer and educator of Palestinian, Mexican and Colombian descent. Her work is guided by the storytellers and story-keepers in her life, and explores connection to land, the more-than-human world and diasporic remembrance. Amani’s prints are informed by her food sovereignty work, as well as her family’s relationship to land through the Nakba. She has worked in print and paper making studios with the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Women’s Studio Workshop and the Lower East Side Printshop.
Chris “C” Gazaleh is a visual artist, musician, writer, organizer and educator from San Francisco. Gazaleh has come a long way on his mission dedicated to promoting cultural, political, and social awareness about the history, people and struggle for freedom in Palestine. Reigning from an upbringing submerged in hip hop culture, he was dedicated to creating his style from a young age, starting with graffiti letters, then characters. When Gazaleh was about 19 living in Detroit at the time he started to learn to read and write in Arabic, being the language of his ancestors he picked it up within months. At 21 Gazaleh decided to move back to San Francisco where he joined GUPS at SFSU and helped put up the Edward Said mural. After this Gazaleh began painting murals in the community eventually finding his own walls, one wall in Clarion Alley has been Gazaleh’s practice wall since 2012, the wall was given to him by the late graffiti legend CUBA. Since then Gazaleh has been working to spread awareness throughout the community and working with the youth in San Francisco with a hope to spread knowledge and love, and to combat the negative stereotypes affecting peoples perspectives of Arabs, Muslims and Palestinians worldwide. Gazaleh uses many mediums to create his art, from ink to paint, digital illustration to spray paint.
Ren Allathkani, a Palestinian artist born in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1998, grew up in Texas, Colorado, California, and Jordan, where much of her family lives. Her roots are in Jaffa and Nablus, Palestine, before her family was displaced to Amman. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Art Studio from UC Davis in 2021 and received the Gary Pruner Scholarship in 2019. Ren’s work incorporates traditional Palestinian tatreez embroidery and natural materials, aiming to reconnect with her spirituality and cultural heritage. Through her art, she explores themes of identity, displacement, and belonging, navigating the complexities of being Palestinian in a politicized context.

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

A Southern Panther; Conversations with Malik Rahim
Join us this evening for the book release celebration of A Southern Panther; Conversations with Malik Rahim(AK Press 2025). Malik will be discussing his book and will also be in conversation with editor James Tracy.
Malik Rahim served as the chair of the New Orleans chapter of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Since then, he remained in the fray, active in the struggles for the rights of political prisoners, housing, environmental justice and international concerns. He is the cofounder of Common Ground, which conducted grassroots relief campaigns to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. His wealth of experience provides valuable lessons for today's organizers fighting against climate disaster and for racial justice.

Other Dimensions in Sound presents Pete Schmitt
Other Dimensions in Sound is our Friday music series curated and hosted by Boohaabian multi reed player extraordinare David Boyce. Each week David will be inviting different musical guests to join him in our galeria for a night of sonic sustenance.
Tonight’s potent musical medicina is being provided by Pete Schmitt(guitar)

Sendero Gráfico; printmaking tour project with Daniel Gonzalez and Pável Acevedo,
Sendero Gráfico is a printmaking tour projects between Daniel Gonzalez and Pável Acevedo, where we share our prints with the public, having a variation of Linocuts, woodcuts, serigraphs, etc and an interaction with the community with community through live screen print, creating alternatives of a support network with the public besides the outlets creating traditionally thought the arts.
Daniel González is a printmaker and graphic designer from Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. His early childhood was shared between Mexico and the United States. Daniel's work carries strong ideals of social justice and community. Although his work seeks to preserve narratives, histories and memories, he also has a strong contemporary social commentary using the time honored technique of relief printmaking and letterpress. After spending six years working on over 35 group mural projects through a free public art program, Daniel began his formal studies at the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland and San Francisco where he was introduced to printmaking and letterpress. Through volunteering at the San Francisco Center for the Book and the Mission Cultural Center, he was able to expand his practice in printmaking. He returned to Los Angeles where he continued to work with printmaking through Self Help Graphics & Art, a community art space. Daniel completed his studies at UCLA's School of Art & Architecture's Design Media Arts program with Latin Honors. Daniel is now based in Los Angeles where he maintains a print and design studio in Highland Park. His works have been exhibited internationally and has recently completed his first public art project, the artwork for the Metro Expo Line La Cienega Station titled Engraved in Memory. His work is housed in several special collections, including the Mexican Museum of Chicago, UC Irvine, UC Santa Cruz, Bancroft Library at UC Berkeley, Stanford University, San Francisco Public Library and the Carnegie Museum. Although Daniel specializes in printmaking, he is constantly experimenting and working with different media. From 3D modeling software, laser cutters, and game coding, Daniel always brings a sincere perspective and shares a facet of his rich cultural experience with strong social justice under currents. He constantly travels to Mexico and throughout the United States, visiting printmaking studios and working with artists on a variety of projects.
Pável Acevedo, is from Oaxaca, Mexico and moved to California in 2010. Much of Acevedo’s art incorporates themes and imagery depicting the migratory experience in California. As a relief printmaker, utilizing plywood and linoleum surfaces, he creates portraits of friends, the pre-hispanic codex, and other images that depict the diverse multitudes found in the city. Through the use of portraits and imagery, both new and old, he is able to invent a conversation that is neither Mexican nor American, but rather a contemporary reality that reflects his unique life. Acevedo attended the School of Fine Arts Oaxaca (Escuela de Bellas Artes) and participated in different art workshops at the “Rufino Tamayo workshop.” In 2010 he moved to California, where he continues to live and work today. Although his art has led him to many locations across the country, his studio, Urge Palette Art Supplies, is in Riverside, and he tends to create most of his art in East Los Angeles. Many of his pieces can be seen in murals and streets around Riverside, as well as in the Riverside Art Museum.

Life over Lithium
Join the People of Red Mountain in screening their documentary, People of Red Mountain: Life over Lithium. Detailing how their ancestral lands have been marred and threatened by Genocide and now the Destructive Lithium mining practices that threaten to destroy their access to clean air, water and their ancetral traditions. After the film screening, join us for a Q&A with members of People of Red Mountain or learn more about their struggle and how we can all support and uplift their struggle and those of all indigenous and oppressed people in the world today.
People of Red Mountain (Atsa Koodakuh wyh Nuwu, in Paiute) is a committee of traditional knowledge keepers and descendants of the Fort McDermitt Paiute, Shoshone and Bannock Tribes working in coalition with allies to protect our ancestral homelands. We have seen the immense impact that mining projects inflict on the land. The destruction of our cultural resources, wildlife habitat, and the contamination of our ground water are unacceptable consequences of these projects. We oppose the extraction of mineral resources from our homelands because we recognize that there is no benefit great enough to outweigh the cost. While offers made by mining interests can be tempting in a small community with limited economic resources, there is nothing in the material world that can replace our clean drinking water, our first foods, or our reciprocal relationship with the land. We know that the land carries our ancestors as well as generations yet unborn. We know that what we do to the land we do to ourselves.Gary Mckinney is a leader of Protect Mcdermitt Caldera

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

Indian Classical Sessions
The Indian Classical Sessions are an informal gathering dedicated to sharing the meditative beauty, ecstatic energy, and sheer majesty of South Asian music. Hosted by percussionist, drumset and tabla player Sameer Gupta this gathering focuses on curating 4 short live sets that represent different influences and traditions surrounding South Asian music. Our goal is to connect, build our raga music loving community, and share South Asian classical music in an impromptu, casual and attentive setting.

Indian Classical Sessions
The Indian Classical Sessions are an informal gathering dedicated to sharing the meditative beauty, ecstatic energy, and sheer majesty of South Asian music. Hosted by percussionist, drumset and tabla player Sameer Gupta this gathering focuses on curating 4 short live sets that represent different influences and traditions surrounding South Asian music. Our goal is to connect, build our raga music loving community, and share South Asian classical music in an impromptu, casual and attentive setting.
Featured performers this month:
Ujjaini Mukhopadhyay - Vocal
Rohan Krishnamurthy - Percussion
Lucian Balmer - Violin
Amit Gud - Sarod
$10 suggested donations all proceeds go to the musicians.

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

Nicholas Mirzoeff, To See in the Dark: A conversation with Omar Zahzah and the Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy
Join Nicholas Mirzoeff, poet Omar Zahzah, and comrades from the Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy as they discuss To See in the Dark: Palestine and Visual Activism Since October 7 on Sunday, March 23, 6:00 pm. To see Palestine is to see the world. Since October 7th 2023, the forces of racial capitalism and settler colonialism have become all too visible in Israel's genocidal war on Gaza.Visual culture theorist Nicholas Mirzoeff, visiting from New York, is joined by local Palestinian poet-scholar-activist Omar Zahzah, author of the forthcoming Terms of Servitude: Zionism, Silicon Valley, and Digital/Settler-Colonialism in the Palestinian Liberation Struggle. Comrades from the Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy will be sitting in.
In To See In the Dark, Nicholas Mirzoeff explores how images, and especially video, viewed outside Palestine enabled a dramatic switch in public opinion, leading to a global uprising against the genocide. In this groundbreaking analysis, he connects the personal and the political through his own anti-Zionist Jewishness and its histories of violence. The result is a new collective and anti-colonial way of seeing, intersecting online and embodied experience.
Among the founders of visual culture as a field, Nicholas Mirzoeff has also written extensively on Jewishness and Palestine. His books include How To See The World, The Right to Look and The Appearance of Black Lives Matter. He has written for the Guardian, Hyperallergic and The Nation. He lives in New York City.
Omar Zahzah is an Assistant Professor of Arab, Muslim, Ethnicities and Diaspora Studies (AMED) in the Department of Race and Resistance Studies (RRS) at San Francisco State University. A scholar-activist of Lebanese Palestinian descent, Dr. Zahzah is the former Education and Advocacy Coordinator of Eyewitness Palestine. His book, Terms of Servitude Zionism, Silicon Valley, and Digital/Settler-Colonialism in the Palestinian Liberation Struggle, will be published by Seven Stories Press in July 2025.
The Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy is a transterritorial grassroots collective dedicated to exploring the intersections between conviviality, autonomous learning, and insurgent knowledge production with an investment in autonomous spaces of learning and grassroots convivial research in service of the recovery of convivial tools towards community regeneration.

Poetry in the Window
Medicina Para Pesadillas is keeping the very special Mission tradition of poets reading on the street alive and well with this literary series. Come hang and enjoy poets reading their work to Calle Veinte Cuatro.
This month’;s features are Preeti Vangani, Connie Mae Oliver, and Sara Borjas.
Preeti Vangani is an Indian poet & writer based in San Francisco. She is the author of Mother Tongue Apologize (2019) and Fifty Mothers, forthcoming from River River Books (Feb 2026). Her work has been published in AGNI, The Georgia Review, Gulf Coast, Prairie Schooner among other places. Her debut short story won the 2021 Pen/Dau Emerging Writers Prize.Vangani has been a resident at UCross, Djerassi and Ragdale. She has received artist grants from San Francisco Arts Commission and YBCA through which she facilitates poetry workshops rooted in writing grief through joy. She holds an MFA in Writing from University of San Francisco.
Connie Mae Concepción Oliver is a Venezuelan poet. Her first book of poems, Cosmos A Personal Voyage by Carl Sagan Ann Druyan Steven Soter And Me is about nuclear disarmament. Her second book, Science Fiction Fiction, is an homage to Miami-Dade County and color photography in the early aughts. Her new collection of poems, dormilona, is a bilingual book that explores dream states, distance, the rituals of sleep, and the elusive nature of time and memory. Both “nightgown” and “sleepyhead” in Venezuelan Spanish, dormilona weaves a neural network linking sleep to language, memory, matrilineal bonds, geography, and history.
Sara Borjas is a queer, Chicanx poet and the author of Heart Like a Window, Mouth Like a Cliff (Noemi Press, 2019), winner of a 2020 American Book Award. The recipient of fellowships from MacDowell, CantoMundo, the Ragdale Foundation, and the Poetry Foundation, Borjas lives on Ohlone territory in Oakland but stays rooted in Fresno, California, territory of the Yokut peoples.

Other Dimensions in Sound presents David Boyce and Ru
Other Dimensions in Sound is our Friday music series curated and hosted by Boohaabian multi reed player extraordinare David Boyce. Each week David will be inviting different musical guests to join him in our galeria for a night of sonic sustenance.
Tonight’s musical medicina is being provided by David Boyce and Ru.
Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

Speaking Axolotl
Speaking Axolotl La Area Bahia’s long running monthly Latinx reading series happens the third Thursday of each month. Come gather and hear decolonized verses, spanglish poesia,, Latine spoken word and neighborhood chisme. This month’s feature is Zander Moreno Lozano.
Zander Moreno Lozano is an Indigenous Mexican, transgender, poet born from the soil of Mexico City, Mexico. At 2 years old, he and his family immigrated to the United States to escape patriarchal abuse. Zander has been awarded fellowships with Brooklyn Poets, Queer Ancestor’s Project, Seventh Wave, and Genderfail. Zander’s poetry focuses on the intersection of identities, state violence, immigration, being transgender, and ancestral veneration. His poems have been previously published in The Hanging Lantern Review, ARTFAG, and The Ana.
10 slot open mic list goes up a las 6:50PM
NOTA; Speaking Axolotl is a BIPOC reading series which means the features and open mic readers are black and brown poets. Whyte folks are welcome to attend but their presence is not required.
On Seer and Other Visions
Sri Lankan American poet Indran Amirthanayagam is visiting the Bay Area with his new book SEER. Amirthanayagam will read with amazing Californian poets and friends: William Daly, Heather Bourbeau and Karen Poppy. Together we will hear four visions, four poetries, four affirmations of life before the four horsemen riding in America today.
Indran Amirthanayagam writes poems in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Haitian Creole. He has published 25 books. He publishes poetry at Beltway Editions(www.beltwayeditions.com). He edits Beltway Poetry, a digital poetry magazine. He hosts The Poetry Channel on youtube. His new books are Seer (Hanging Loose Press, 2024) and The Runner’s Almanac (Spuyten Duyvil, 2024). Amirthanayagam’s translation of Mexican poet Kenia Cano’s Animal For The Eyes is forthcoming from Dialogos Books.
William O’Daly has translated nine books of Chilean Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda’s poetry, including Neruda’s first volume, Book of Twilight. In September 2022, Beltway Editions released his most recent book of poems, The New Gods. The Los Angeles Master Chorale included poems from The New Gods and the chapbook Waterways in the world premiere of Reena Esmail’s “Malhaar: A Requiem for Water,” at Walt Disney Concert Hall. A National Endowment for the Arts Fellow, O’Daly has received national and regional honors for his poetry and translations and served on the national board of Poets Against War. He also has served as Lead Writer for the California Water Plan, a strategic plan for sustainably and equitably managing water resources.
Heather Bourbeau’s award-winning poetry and fiction have appeared in The Irish Times, The Kenyon Review, Meridian, and The Stockholm Review of Literature. Her writings are part of the Special Collections at the James Joyce Library, University College Dublin and have been nominated for Pushcart Prizes and Best of the Net. She has worked with various UN agencies, including the UN peacekeeping mission in Liberia and UNICEF Somalia. Her collection Some Days The Bird is a poetry conversation with the Irish-Australian poet Anne Casey (Beltway Editions, 2022). Her latest poetry collection, Monarch, examines overlooked histories from the US West (Cornerstone Press, 2023).
A non-binary poet, Karen Poppy’s debut full-length collection, Diving at the Lip of the Water, is published by Beltway Editions (2023), and is lauded by the legendary Judy Grahn for its demonstration of "paradox and power." She has two chapbooks published with Finishing Line Press, and another chapbook published with Homestead Lighthouse Press: Crack Open/Emergency, our own beautiful brutality, and Every Possible Thing. An attorney licensed in California and Texas, and a librettist, Karen Poppy lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Queer Genre Fiction Writing with Johnny Alvarez
The queer community and genre storytelling have always gone hand in hand. From Buffy to The Babadook, queers have long flocked to these kinds of stories, finding a bit of themselves reflected in the magical and mythic horizons of speculative imagination. Somehow, there is still a dearth of explicitly queer and genre stories out in the mainstream. It's time that changed. Whether you're into the spooky and macabre or the fantastical and otherworldly, this free six week class gives you the chance to tap into your experiences and identity and craft your very genre story inspired by the broad and beautiful tapestry of our community. We'll dabble in horror, sci-fi, fantasy, magical realism, and more. The course will include reading assignments, writing exercises, and group discussions. By the end, you'll have a draft of your very own short story, or the beginning of a novel. No experience required, beginners welcome, QTBIPOC friendly. True genre nerds to the front!
Instructor: Johnny Alvarez is a writer and filmmaker based in San Francisco. His work has been supported by Sundance, SFFILM, Comedy Central, and Outfest. His fiction has been published in The Hunger Journal, Quiet Lightning, and Plenitude Magazine. By day he crusades for public media, and by night he scrapes through finishing his MFA. His perfect cat son Reggie is currently his only source of stability.
NOTE; this is an ongoing class that will meet the following Tuesdays;
March 18th, 6 to 7:30 PM
April 1st, 6 to 7:30 PM
April 8th, 6 to 7:30 PM
April 22nd, 6 to 7:30 PM
May 6th, 6 to 7:30 PM
To sign up copy and past the link below;

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

Resilience, Resistance, Reclaim(hosted by DVAN)
The Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network (DVAN) is thrilled to present poets and writers Mai Der Vang, Anhvu Buchanan, Teresa Mei Chuc, and Trinh Lê in our first reading of 2025! This event is part of DVAN's quarterly reading series in partnership with the San Francisco Public Library. Join us on March 15, 2025 for an exciting evening of poetry.
Mai Der Vang is the author of Primordial (Graywolf Press, 2025), Yellow Rain (Graywolf Press, 2021), and Afterland (Graywolf Press, 2017). Her honors include the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets, an American Book Award, finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry, and the First Book Award from the Academy of American Poets, among others. The recipient of a Guggenheim and Lannan Literary Fellowship, she teaches in the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Fresno State.
Anhvu Buchanan is the author of The Disordered (sunnyoutside press) and Backhanded Compliments & Other Ways to Say I Love You (Works on Paper Press). His latest collection The Peeling of a Name was recently released with ELJ Editions. He was the recipient of the James D. Phelan Award and also received an Individual Artists Grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission. He currently teaches in San Francisco and can be found online at www.anhvubuchanan.com.
Teresa Mei Chuc was born in Sài Gòn, Việt Nam shortly after the Vietnam War and grew up in Pasadena and Altadena, California. Altadena Poet Laureate, Editor-in-Chief (2018-2020) and Pasadena Rose Poet since 2016, Teresa Mei Chuc is the author of three books of poetry, Invisible Light (Many Voices Press, 2018), Keeper of the Winds (FootHills Publishing, 2014) and Red Thread (Fithian Press, 2012). Teresa is a public school English teacher in Los Angeles in her twentieth year teaching.
Trinh Le is a Vietnamese American poet & book artist working from the archive. Their work has been supported by the Queer Archives Residency at the SF Public Library, the Bernice Bing: Open Call at the Asian Art Museum, and the UC Berkeley Arts Research Center. You can find their poetry lovingly published by the great people at The Ana. Trinh is an MFA student in creative writing at SF State, where they self-publish under the imprint B!NGO Press. Their favorite color is red.
This event is FREE, but space is limited. Please register in advance by copying and pasting the link below;

Barbara Ramos; "Fearless Eye" book celebration and pop up exhibit
Join us this afternoon for a very special photography pop up exhibit and celebration for Barbara Ramos new book Fearless Eye: The Photography of Barbara Ramos
Between 1969 and 1973, the young photographer Barbara Ramos walked the streets of San Francisco, shooting pictures of people. For this brief time, her sharp eye and empathetic gaze allowed her to create a body of work that was incisively historic, timelessly human and luminously beautiful. Then she stopped photographing. Fifty years later, Ramos unpacked her images to discover an astonishing record of a time, a place, and a people. Her photographs offer up stirring scenes from everyday life - a group of Hari Krishnassing on Market Street, a window dresser changes a mannequin at Union Square Macy’s, two men lean in for a kiss at a peace rally in Golden Gate Park. The unearthing of Ramos’s archives revealed the work of a previously unknown master of twentieth-century photography, whose work belongs alongside that of Robert Frank, Diane Arbus and Vivian Maier. In this book, Barbara Ramos’s photographs are publlished for the first time. A preface by award winning novelist and essayist Rachel Kushner, an essay by photography historian Sally Stein, and an interview with Ramos by photographer and writer Steven A.Heller contextualize the images and the era in which the they were taken .Barbara was born in New York City and raised in Los Angeles. She attended the San Francisco Art Institute - BFA Photography. San Francisco State University MA Interdisciplinary Arts.

Other Dimensions in Sound;Francis Wong, William Roper, Grex vs. Black Edgar.
Other Dimensions in Sound is our Friday music series curated and hosted by Boohaabian multi reed player extraordinare David Boyce. Each week David will be inviting different musical guests to join him in our galeria for a night of sonic sustenance.
Tonight we have a heavy duty extra potent dose of musical medicina being provided by Francis Wong, William Roper, Grex vs. Black Edgar.

Debut Reading for: The Other Lives of Altagracia Sanchez by Felicia Martinez
Join us for an exciting evening of literature, community, and creativity at the debut reading of The Other Lives of Altagracia Sanchez, a compelling new novella by Felicia Martinez. The evening will feature a lively discussion about the novellas' themes, inspiration, and writing process, followed by a captivating reading from Felicia Martinez herself. The Other Lives of Altagracia Sanchez delves into the complexities of identity, family, and resilience, offering a poignant and thought-provoking exploration that will resonate with readers of all ages. In addition to the debut reading, the event will include three short readings from talented local Bay Area authors, showcasing the diverse voices and literary talent of our community.
Felicia Martínez (she/her) is a writer and artist from Eastern New Mexico, though the San Francisco Bay Area is now home. While an Associate Professor in the Integral Program at Saint Mary's College of California, she had the great pleasure of leading students in discussions across the liberal arts tradition. Her avid interest in conceptions of personhood, and the ways in which such conceptions inform narrative experimentation in literature, inspires her creative outlets, both visual and written. She favors surreal, speculative writing and stories that explore identity, agency, and empowerment. Find her words at Asimov's, The Razor, The Acentos Review, The Rising Phoenix Review, The Deadlands, and others. Her short novella, The Other Lives of Altagracia Sanchez, is available now from Querencia Press.
Dylan Connell is an author and musician who seems to have wandered out of the classical canon and into the modern-day metropolis of the Bay Area. He holds an MFA from the University of San Francisco and writes fast paced philosophical fiction. His story Cult of Venus won Ab Terra’s 2021 Prize for best short story in Science Fiction and his re-imagining of an ancient myth: Lotus Drinkers was a finalist for the Pushcart Prize. Akinoga Press will be publishing his novella: Nadie se Salva in the summer of 2025. And his Collection: Mask of Aphrodite will be published by Legacy Press in early 2026. He co-hosts a hip-hop cypher every first Friday at the Alan Blueford Center for Justice.
Tino V. H. Jr. is a Mexican-American teaching artist and spoken word poet born and raised in Oakland, CA. He attended UC Santa Cruz, pursuing a degree in Literature with a concentration in Latin American Literature.. He’s represented poetry teams for cities like Santa Cruz and Berkeley, CA on national stages.Mostly recently, he traveled to the Bigfoot Poetry Festival with the 2023 Berkeley Slam team, where they took 3rd place. His work explores im/migration, indigeneity, the hood, queerness, feminism, and decolonial frameworks. He currently organizes with RichOak Events in the Bay Area co-curating 4 shows: Alchemy Open Mic, Day Dreamer’s Poetry, the Oakland Poetry Slam and the Berkeley Poetry Slam. In his spare time he constantly updates his “Best Tacos in East Oakland” list, plays too many video games, reads to feel alive and writes pre-colonial high fantasy.
Gayathri Kamath is a South Indian-American engineer, waylaid on her original path to build rockets and ended up herding cats in tech instead. She’s told stories all her life about goddesses, apsaras, and warrior-princesses and started writing again after not seeing enough of these people in the books she was reading.Her short story, Akka, will be in an upcoming issue of Reckoning, and she was awarded the 2021 Futurescapes Award for most Promising Writer of the Year for her novel, Raven’s Journey to the West

Inflamed and sick from genocide with author Rupa Marya and the Kamal Adwan Pop-Up Free Clinic for the Treatment of Sickness from Genocide
Doctors Against Genocide and Do No Harm Coalition present an evening of learning and healing together in a time of genocide. Professor of medicine currently suspended at UCSF, physician, musician and author Rupa Marya will host a discussion of the book she co-authored with Raj Patel, Inflamed: Deep Medicine & the Anatomy of Injustice. She will be joined by fellow exiled professors Dr Sang Hea Kil and Rochelle McLaughlin from San Jose State University to discuss the academic repression of women/people of color in this moment of rising fascism in the US.
Throughout the evening, the Kamal Adwan Pop Up Free Clinic for the Treatment of Sickness of Genocide will be staffed by healthcare workers offering peer support, tea and basic care for those who need it in solidarity with Doctors Against Genocide's Washington DC gathering at the Hill to petition our lawmakers to end the genocide in Palestine.
Rupa Marya is a doctor, artist, activist and author, co-founder of the Do No Harm Coalition, and founder of the Deep Medicine Circle, an organization that works to heal the wounds of colonialism through food, medicine, storytelling, restoration and learning. She has toured twenty-nine countries with her band, Rupa and the April Fishes, whose music was described by the legend Gil Scott-Heron as “Liberation Music.”
Sang Hea Kil is a professor in the “Justice” Studies Department at San Jose State University (SJSU). She is currently job suspended for helping her students protest a genocide on her campus. She is a scholar-activist whose research focuses on the criminalization of immigrants, media analysis of the militarization of the border and immigrant bans/exclusions, and the discourse of whiteness and the nation. Her award-winning book is Covering the Border War: How the News Media Create Race, Crime, Nation and the USA-Mexico Divide.
Rochelle McLaughlin taught at SJSU for 20 years until she resigned this December due to SJSU's support for the U.S.-Israeli genocide in Palestine. Rochelle is currently working with Doctors Against Genocide and the Stanford Healthcare Workers for Palestine to continue to organize for a free Palestine.
Doctors Against Genocide is a global coalition of healthcare workers dedicated to succeeding where global governments have failed in confronting and preventing genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Do No Harm Coalition is a national coalition of healthcare workers committed to advancing structural change to address poor health outcomes due to state violence.

Trokas Duras Screening and Director Q&A
Join us on Tuesday, March 11 at Medicine for Nightmares for a screening of Trokas Duras, followed by a virtual Q&A with director Jazmin Garcia, hosted by navi kaur, and dilpreet, Trokas Duras is visual journey through the interior landscapes of a Jornalero’s dreams, his waking reality in L.A., and what it looks like when a group of people relegated to serving others labors for their own elevation of body and spirit. An homage to the unique, idiosyncratic, and customized old pick-up trucks driven by Latino day laborers and the intimacy that is cultivated in and around them.
A jornalero dreams about the iconic trucks of his compañeros,, their customized details, style, and honorable cargos. Just when his dream ramps up with visions of love and justice, he wakes up to a seemingly ordinary day in Los Angeles. Like any work day for a jornalero, it starts with a coffee before loading up cargos. We then weave through intimate moments and conversations in and around colorful pick up trucks, learning about the labor, loss, and pride of a few pairs of workers as they work and commute through the city. A day’s chamba, or work, ends with a synchronized route to the country outskirts of LA, where a Tree of Life gathers and provides shelter, as well as space for ritual and celebration for a group of laborers ending a hard day of work.
Jazmin Garcia is a filmmaker, photographer, and music curator based in Mexico City and Los Angeles. She has been developing her craft through music videos, short documentaries, and commercial work. Her work aspires to live within the visual realm of transformative justice, as a space that holds and uplifts memory, exploring themes around identity and freedom, focusing on immigration and the American pressures of cultural assimilation. She continues to develop narrative projects that expand on generational family histories and her own experience as a first-generation Mexican-Guatemalan- American, weaving intimate stories of trauma, magic, amor, and the perseverance of hope. She has exhibited selected short films through programs like the Echo Park Film Center L.A. Air Residency and the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival. Her latest short film, TROKAS DURAS, won the Short Film Jury Award for Best US Fiction at the Sundance Film Festival 2025. When she is not working on visual projects, she is hosting and curating her monthly radio show, Como La Flor. The sonic landscape she creates is one of nostalgia and solace through sentimental and cinematic Latin American music spanning from the 1930s-1970s. Como La Flor ranks as the 3rd most listened to broadcast on the online global platform NTS Radio.

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!
Daydreamers Poetry Showcase
From the organizing body that brings you the Berkeley Slam and the Oakland Slam, RichOak Events presents a new poetry show in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District. In partnership with Medicine for Nightmares, the Day Dreamer’s Poetry Showcase is a spoken word event where voices that have often been silenced or overlooked have a chance to shine.
Join us every 2nd Saturday in the Galleria as we invite local and traveling poets to shape and nurture the very dreams we as poets refuse to let die.
Every month, we will be bringing featuring poets from all walks of life to inspire our audience with beauty of story telling and the alchemy of word play. You don't wanna miss this!

Marga Gomez y Betty Pazmino; Stories, Laughs y Mas
As part of this month’s neighborhood Paseo Artistico we are over la luna excited to have none other than Marga Gomez and Betty Pazmino performing in the front window of the bookstore!
Marga Gomez was named “2024 Best Of The Bay Comedian” by 48 Hills/ SF Bay Guardian. She was an original member of Culture Clash and is an artist in residence at Brava Theater. Marga's sabrosa one person show “Spanish Stew” will premiere this year if she’s not arrested first. Follow @themargagomez on instagram unless she deletes it.
Betty Pazmiño, or Betty la Bella, is a homegirl de la Misión with tell-it-like-it-is humor and over 35 years experience as a San Francisco teacher. Betty has also emceed and danced at San Francisco Carnaval, hosted Brava’s New Year’s Eve Comedy Fiesta as well as Encuentro del Canto Popular.
NOTA: This very special event is part of the neighborhood Paseo Artistico celebrating International Woman’s Day!
Paseo Artistico: Women’s Health and Healing will take place Saturday March 8 all day featuring women artists and community members sharing their work and showcasing a vibrant array of performances and cultural practices that support women’s health and healing. The event also celebrates Acción Latina’s Fatima Ramirez as she says goodbye to the organization after serving as Executive Director for the last 6 years. Come dance, sing, and enjoy interactive opportunities to celebrate women with theater, musical performances, painting exhibits, and more along the 24th Street/Calle 24 Latino Cultural District. Free for the entire family. Paseo Artistico is produced quarterly and co-presented by 24th Street cultural venues including Mission Cultural Center, Brava Theater, Dance Mission, Precita Eyes Muralists, Community Music Center, Medicine For Nightmares Bookstore, Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, EvolvedSF, Donaji, and Artillery Ceramics Studio. Paseo Artístico is generously supported by Latino Community Foundation Poderatre Grant, SFAC, The GAP, and the Mellon Foundation.

Other Dimensions in Sound; Michael P. Dawson/ Bruce Ackley, Darren Johnston, David Michalak,and Ben Davis
Other Dimensions in Sound is our Friday music series curated and hosted by Boohaabian multi reed player extraordinare David Boyce. Each week David will be inviting different musical guests to join him in our galeria for a night of sonic sustenance.
Tonight’s musical medicina is being provided by Michael P. Dawson(electronics, flute)-set 1
Bruce Ackley(woodwinds), Darren Johnston(trumpet), David Michalak(skatch 'n steel), and Ben Davis(cello)-set 2

The Ruby Presents: Authors in Conversation -- Tara Dorabji, Anita Felicelli, and Betty Shamieh with Zara Houshmand
Join us as we celebrate the launch of Call Her Freedom by Tara Dorabji, How We Know Our Time Travelers by Anita Felicelli, and Too Soon by Betty Shamieh with a reading and conversation with Zara Houshmand! This event will include short readings, an exciting conversation between the authors and Zara Houshmand, and Q&A.
About Call Her Freedom: A sweeping family saga following one woman’s struggle to protect her culture and her family amidst the backdrop of a military occupation. Call Her Freedom is a love story that untangles family secrets and heals generational wounds, announcing Tara Dorabji as a thrilling new voice in fiction.
Tara Dorabji | Tara Dorabji is the author of the novel, Call Her Freedom, winner of the Simon & Schuster Books Like Us first novel contest. She is the daughter of Parsi-Indian and German-Italian migrants. Her documentary film series on human rights defenders in Kashmir won awards at over a dozen film festivals throughout Asia and the USA. Tara's publications include Al Jazeera, The Chicago Quarterly, Huizache, and acclaimed anthologies: Good Girls Marry Doctors & All the Women in My Family Sing. She lives in Northern California with her family and rabbit.
About How We Know Our Time Traveler is a dark, surreal, and atmospheric collection of 14 genre-bending stories that explore themes of reality, time, and love. Meet an uncanny crew: a bickering couple who use an app to track their fights, a woman who realizes that an unseen lodger is squatting in her home, a woman encounters a younger version of her husband, and a group of creepy friends sell jars of fog.
Anita Felicelli | Anita Felicelli is the author of the short story collection How We Know Our Time Travelers. Her other books include Chimerica: A Novel and the award-winning Love Songs for a Lost Continent. Anita edits Alta Journal‘s California Book Club. Anita has also contributed essays and criticism to the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Alta Journal, Slate, among other places. Her work has been recognized by the Greater Bay Area Journalism Awards and the Los Angeles Press Club. She served on the Board of the National Book Critics Circle from 2021-2024.
About Too Soon with biting hilarity, Too Soon introduces us to a trio of bold and unforgettable voices. This dramatic saga follows one family’s epic journey fleeing war-torn Jaffa in 1948, chasing the American Dream in Detroit and San Francisco in the sixties and seventies, hustling in the New York theatre scene post-9/11, and daring to stage a show in Palestine in 2012. Upon learning one of them is living on borrowed time, the three women fight to live, make art, and love on their own terms. A funny, sexy, and heart-wrenching literary debut, Too Soon illuminates our shared history and asks, how can we set ourselves free?
Betty Shamieh | Betty Shamieh (she/her) is a Palestinian American writer and the author of fifteen plays. She is the playwright-in-residence at the Classical Theatre of Harlem. Her six New York play premieres include the sold-out off-Broadway runs of Roar and Malvolio, a sequel to Twelfth Night, which were both New York Times Critic’s Picks. Shamieh was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship and named a UNESCO Young Artist for Intercultural Dialogue. She is a founding artistic director of The Semitic Root, a collective that supports innovative theatre cocreated by Arab and Jewish Americans. A graduate of Harvard College and the Yale School of Drama, she lives with her family in San Francisco.
Zara Houshmand | Zara Houshmand is an Iranian American writer whose work includes poetry, theatre, literary translation, collaborative memoir, and creative nonfiction. She was a pioneer in the development of virtual reality as an art form and her VR installation Beyond Manzanar, with Tamiko Thiel, has been exhibited widely around the world and is in the permanent collection of the San Jose Museum of Art. For two decades she was publications director for the Mind & Life Institute, editing books on the Dalai Lama’s dialogues with Western scientists, and she has contributed to many other publications on Buddhism. Her theater work includes directing and designing as well as writing, with bilingual productions and award-winning translations of Bijan Mofid’s plays. Her most recent book is Moon and Sun, a bilingual edition of her translations of Rumi’s rubaiyat.

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

No Kings! No Queens! Chess Club
No Kings! No Queens! is the super-chill community chess club that gathers the 1st Sunday of every month in the galeria. Hosted by Danny Cao, all ages and skill levels are encouraged to come. Never played chess? We'll teach you! Come hang out, talk chess and play a few games.

Artist Talk with Taca
Join us this afternoon for an artist talk with Taca, whose solo photography exhibit “Growing Pains”, is currently up in our galeria.
TACANATION (AKA Taca, AKA Maria Fernanda Albarracín) is an Argentine-born photographer whose work explores identity, resistance, and the power of storytelling. She studied journalism at the University of Buenos Aires before moving to San Francisco in 2000. This solo exhibit features Growing Pains, a playful exploration of personal growth, followed by four series inspired by the American Far West. Migration to Bodie, CA captures Gold Rush-era transience, while Monument Valley evokes the land’s timeless, ghostly presence. Antelope Canyon reflects on the power of water shaping rock, and Humanoid explores the deep connections between people, place, and nature. Other images showcase Taca’s diverse aesthetics, including a fascination with sharp architectural lines, moments of opulence, and subtle surrealism—hidden monsters woven into everyday life. Rooted in a rich legacy of resistance, she stands on the shoulders of the strong women who shaped her story: her mother, grandmothers, Eva Duarte de Perón, and the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo. With deepest gratitude, Taca thanks the generous and invaluable support of Don Salvador and his dedicated team at La Gallinita Meat Market. Special thanks to Marcelo Colussi, Martin Goicoechea, Amph Mickens, her ride-or-die and biggest fan, and the Royal creature who makes her life—and the world—an even better place to thrive. A heartfelt thank you to Medicina para Pesadillas for the fantastic opportunity to grace the walls of this gallery and share this work with the world.

Other Dimensions in Sound; Ben Goldberg, David Ewell, and Hamir Atwal/ Evelyn Davis, David Boyce and John Diaz
Other Dimensions in Sound is our Friday music series curated and hosted by Boohaabian multi reed player extraordinare David Boyce. Each week David will be inviting different musical guests to join him in our galeria for a night of sonic sustenance.
Tonight’s potent dose of musical medicina is being provided by Ben Goldberg(clarinet), David Ewell(bass) and Hamir Atwal(drums) followed by a second set with Evelyn Davis(piano), David Boyce(reeds and electronics) and John Diaz(drums)

Nancy Wang presents Red Altar
Tonight in our galeria author Nancy Wang will read from her latest novel, Red Altar. Red Altar is a historical fiction novel that follows three generations of the same Chinese family that started the fishing industry in the Monterey Bay area in 1850. Based on Wang’s own family history, Red Altar is a story of courage and resilience as the characters, all real, face the challenges of racism, also real, by reinventing themselves over and over again in order to exist. With the realities of racial injustice continuing to impact BIPOC communities today, Red Altar weaves awareness and harvests wisdom from freedom struggles past and present. Wang will read excerpts from the book, followed by a Q&A. Books will be available for sale.
Nancy Wang started her artistic career as a modern dancer and Asian American storyteller, and co-founded The Asian American Dance Company as well as Kalilang Kulintang, the first Filipino kulintang school and performance company of Northern California, featuring the traditional bronze gong ensemble music and dance of the southern island of Mindanao. In 1985, they together founded Eth-Noh-Tec, a kinetic storytelling theater non-profit. With her husband musician, performer and writer Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo, besides working their non-profit mission, they work to accomplish Eth-Noh-Tec’s goal to heal the divides within us and between us. This is accomplished through the performances of pan-Asian folktales and myths and Asian American inspiring stories such as Red Altar. As award winning storytelling performers, they continue to create and perform as well as train the next generation of Asian American storytellers in their award-winning kinetic style of performance. Red Altar started as a multi-media, interdisciplinary performance story drama and continues to be performed around the United States to standing ovations.

Sampaguita Press LANGUAGE OF UNBREAKING Release Event
Book release celebration for Keana Aguila Labra new book of poetry THE LANGUAGE OF UNBREAKING(Sampaguita Press 2025). Keana will be reading from their new book of poetry and will be joined by fellow poets Nik Vik, Lorenz Mazon Dumuk, Ellie Lopez, Arlene Biala, Reggie Imbat, and more TBA,
Nik Vik (he/they) is a comedy performer who has done a variety of acts across the Bay Area, including improv and stand-up comedy. In 2019, they were the frontman of the freestyle rap improv duo “F$#K.” who regularly performed at Syzygy SF. Currently, he is a cast member with the improv team “Quality Control” who have performed at venues such as Endgames Improv and All Out Comedy Theater, and have been featured in shows like “Jokeland” and “Haight to Laugh.” Outside of their on-stage performances, Nik is the writer of the slice of afterlife web comic “The ‘Guardian’ of Purgatory,” which they create with illustrator Meena Vempaty. They are also a filmmaker who has written and directed videos for the YouTube channel “Los Jackals,” and has starred in one of their latest films “Join Our Team!” Follow Nik on instagram @notnikvik to stay updated on current and future projects of theirs, and follow his team “Quality Control” @qc_improv to learn of upcoming shows!
Lorenz Mazon Dumuk is a poet and spoken word artist from San Jose, California. He is the author of the book, Held (Sampaguita Press), as well as the author to two self published chapbooks, Ay Nako: Writing Through the Struggle, and I Think In Poetry. He is a VONA alumni, and a MALI (Multicultural Arts Leadership Institute) alumni, which is a Silicon Valley based program that focuses on developing leaders of color in the arts, culture, and entertainment sectors. He is one of the curators for, Glowing with the Moon, an open mic and interactive community space in San Jose. Lorenz writes with, against, and through the contradictions he encounters, which allows him to explore the different silences in his life through his poetry. His spoken word performances are painfully heartfelt as well as magnificently healing. An awkwardly adorable poet who can be caught doing hip-circles before a poetry reading.
Ellie Lopez (she/her) is a photographer & storyteller from the 209. She is a community college dropout and failed music journalist. When she’s not ear hustling for the best chismes she writes poetry about grief, pop culture and her family chismes. Her work has been published in Sin Cesar (formally DRYLAND), Maria’s at Sampaguitas, and CWAA Fresno Flies, Cockroaches & Poets. “While in Mourning” is her first chapbook BuiLit Zine.
Arlene Biala (she/her) is a Pinay poet and performance artist born in San Francisco, CA and raised in the South Bay. She has been participating in poetry performances and workshops in the Bay Area for over 30 years and was Poet Laureate of Santa Clara County for 2016 and 2017. She is the author of several collections of poetry: bone, continental drift, and her beckoning hands, which won the 2015 American Book Award. Her latest book, one inch punch, was published in 2019. Arlene’s poetry has been described as "grounded in ritual object and ritual practice, mantras that resonate within the body and plant the body firmly in the world. Her work responds to the call of ancestors and our own broken bodies, spirits, and the spaces we inhabit. Her poems are prayer flags offered to those whose stories have been silenced, hidden, and ignored. Arlene’s work centers on stories of family, of generations who have left their native lands to live in diaspora, particularly those from the Philippines. She writes poetry to serve as witness, to create space for recognition and dialogue toward healing.
Reggie Imbat (he/him) is an Ilocano Filipino from the Bay Area. He loves playing the guitar and watching movies with his best friends. His love language is bringing food over to the house and playing with cats.
Keana Aguila Labra (they/she) is a Cebuano-Tagalog Filipino from San Jose. They are the co-founder of SAMPAGUITA PRESS and their first full-length collection THE LANGUAGE OF UNBREAKING released today at this event!
Sampaguita Press is a nonprofit independent micropress committed to serving underrepresented voices and communities who may not have access to traditional publishing spaces. Sampaguita Press publishes works by and for Black, Indigenous, and POC artists of all genders and LGBTQIA+ identities.

Militant Movie Night: Yuri Kochiyama: Passion for Justice (1993) by Pat Saunders and Rea Tajiri
Nostalgic for Nothing Cinema presents Yuri Kochiyama: Passion for Justice (1993) a film by Pat Saunders and Rea Tajiri.
Yuri Kochiyama was a Japanese American woman who lived in Harlem for more than 40 years and had a long history of activism on a wide range of issues. Through extensive interviews with family and friends, archival footage, music and photographs, YURI KOCHIYAMA chronicles this remarkable woman’s contribution to social change through some of the most significant events of the 20th century, including the Black Liberation movement, the struggle for Puerto Rican independence, and the Japanese American Redress movement. In an era of divided communities and racial conflict, Kochiyama offered an outstanding example of an equitable and compassionate multiculturalist vision.
57 mins
Masks Required

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective
San Francisco Solidarity Collective hosts Letter Writing and Correspondence Night
Our focus is on prison abolitionist work centered on the struggle of people in prison, jails, and immigrant and juvenile detention centers locally and worldwide. Join us for exchanging letters, starting a pen-pal, or just one-time birthday cards. No commitment necessary We will provide statements from incarcerated individuals, addresses, stamps, and envelopes. We got you, come write with us familia.
Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
Noche de Escritura de Cartas y Correspondencias.
Nuestro enfoque está en el trabajo abolicionista de las prisiones,
centrado en la lucha de las personas en prisiones, cárceles y centros
de detención juvenil y de inmigrantes a nivel local y mundial. Únase con nosotros para intercambiar cartas, iniciar amistades por correspondencia o simplemente escribir tarjetas de cumpleaños. No es necesario comprometerse. Nosotros proveeremos declaraciones de las personas encarceladas, direcciones, sellos y sobres.
¡Estamos para ti! Vengan a escribir con nosotros familia!

Book Reading and Signing by Dorotea Reyna, Author of Los Cedros: A Tejana Memoir
Please join us for a book signing and reading by Dorotea Reyna, author of the newly released book Los Cedros: A Tejana Memoir.
Chicana writer Dorotea Reyna returns to visit her beloved childhood home in South Texas situated on the Rio Grande River on the U.S.-Mexico border. To her astonishment, she discovers that her father's village is now being monitored by a surveillance balloon, and her mother's village is now framed by the Wall. Alarmed by these changes, she writes this memoir which takes her readers back to a far more peaceful time on the border when she was a girl growing up the in the 60s.
In colorful vignettes which blend both facts and fiction, she recreates the spirit of the unforgettable men and women who helped shape her as a child including her pueblo's activist priest, the kindly woman who took care of her when her parents were teaching, and the village curandera. She also shares lessons she learned from her parents and abuelos regarding race and gender, as well as recounts her journey from a primarily Spanish-speaking world to an "English only" classroom.
Writing in vivid poetic language, with stories that express both wonder and despair, she attempts to recover the wholeness she felt as a child from the violence and demagoguery of today's political discourse.
Dorotea Reyna was born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, and earned degrees in English from Stanford University and the University of Texas at Austin. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in several anthologies of Chicano literature, most recently in Chicana/Latina Studies, the journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social. Professionally, she worked as a fundraiser for several Bay Area universities focusing on raising scholarships for Latinos and other students of color.