“Guerrillas Visuales” 30 Year Celebration
Pancho Peskador
Join us for an artist platica with the one and only Pancho Peskador whose incredible solo art show “Guerrillas Visuales” is currently on exhibit in our galería until 1/15.
Pancho Pescador was born in Santiago de Chile in 1972. Pancho is a self-taught visual artist, muralist, music lover and a visual activist. He combines these disciplines to stir things up and to activate critical and imaginative thinking. Life brought him to Oakland, CA where he lives, creates and shows his visual guerrillas.
Nací en Santiago de Chile en 1972. Soy un artista visual, muralista, un melomano y un activista visual de formación autodidacta. Combino estás disciplinas para revolver el gallinero y disparar el pensamiento crítico e imaginativo. El andar me trajo a Oakland CA, donde radico, desarrollo y expongo mis guerrillas visuales.