Leon Kennedy
Visionary Folk Artist

Leon Kennedy (born in Houston, 1945) is a self-taught artist based in Oakland, California, who has been making spiritually uplifting paintings for over 50 years. Kennedy's art has been shown at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.; the Collection de l’Art Brut in Switzerland; Lowell Revolving Museum; American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore; African American Museum in Dallas; Redux Gallery in Alameda; and King’s Gallery of the San Francisco Unitarian Universalist Church. As part of its groundbreaking exhibition of American outsider art, the Smithsonian purchased one of Kennedy’s large, mural-like paintings executed on a bed sheet. Kennedy’s art was featured in Contemporary American Folk Art by Jan and Chuck Rosenak, who wrote, Leon Kennedy’s paintings, huge mural-works filled with detailed scenes from black inner-city life, are tapestries taken from his youthful memories of life in a Houston ghetto as well as from what he sees around him in his Oakland neighborhood.

It is profoundly important for Leon Kennedy that his art serves the community. His greatest mission as an artist is to express the love for one another that is at the very heart of all religion. "The main idea of my art is concern for people, encouraging someone else," he said. "I love when someone loves the work, and feels touched. We're here to serve, love, and encourage one another. When I get a vision, I hope it helps someone."

Leon’s art is for everyone. His art is for African Americans who have overcome oppression and poverty, and have found lasting hope in their community's historic struggle for justice. "My work deals with the endless struggle and the Black man's fight to be free," he said. "Today, my work is more spiritual than political. It conveys love and unity. I try to reach the truth and light that is within each of us.”

"Artists are visionaries and dreamers. My work is about thinking; thinking about the past, present, and future and passing something to the next generation or the generation right now. A lot of people don't know how to dream; don't know what can come true. There is a need for what I'm doing; a need for the truth and a need for people to be inspired. The world is filled with despair, and people need some light. They need to know all the possibilities. That's what my art is about."

"Every day I know what I am going to do," Kennedy said. "I'm going to inspire somebody. I have a positive attitude. Love is at the center. My ideas come from God. Like Martin Luther King Jr., I focus on being with God and doing his will. All my art is from God. I go within, and the gift comes from God. I am a servant of God and hope to be a blessing for whomever I contact.”

Kennedy paints on everything. Some of his most impressive works have been captured on bed sheets that he has found on the streets. He creates his artworks with markers, paints, crayons, beads, glitter, cotton, yarn, and rope.

Kennedy sees his art as an attempt to bring love and faith to those who feel broken and lost. He constantly works to create art that may give new hope to people living only a step or two away from despair and poverty.

For more information, visit leonkennedy.com

Take a virtual walk through the exhibition


March 2022: John Sims


January 2022: Neighborhood Art Show