RIVER EAST, RIVER WEST Book Launch: Aube Rey Lescure in conversation with Lauren Markham
Aube Rey Lescure is a French-Chinese-American writer who grew up between Shanghai, northern China, and the south of France. After receiving her B.A. from Yale University, she worked in foreign policy and has co-authored and translated two books on Chinese politics and economics. Her fiction and creative nonfiction have appeared in or are forthcoming in Guernica, Best American Essays 2022, Lit Hub, Electric Literature, The Millions, The Florida Review online, WBUR, and more. She is the deputy editor at Off Assignment. Her debut novel, River East, River West, is out in January 2024 from William Morrow/HarperCollins.
Lauren Markham is a writer based in California whose work has appeared in outlets such as Guernica, Harper's, The New York Review of Books, The New York Times Magazine and VQR, where she is a contributing editor. She is also the author of an award-winning book, The Far Away Brothers: Two Young Migrants and the Making of an American Life. Her second book, A Map of Future Ruins: On Borders and Belonging will be published by Riverhead in February 2024.