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Odd Verse Reading and Open Mic

  • 3036 24th Street San Francisco, CA 94110 USA (map)

OddVerse is a justice-oriented open mic every final Sunday of each month at Medicine for Nightmares. Featuring brilliant local artists, we create a warm, vibrant and cozy atmosphere, welcoming all to our space. Come join us for powerful art, meaning conversations, and caring community.

Sign up for the next open mic at 

Darius Simpson is a New Afrikan writer, educator, performer, and skilled living room dancer from Akron, Ohio. Much like the means of production, he believes poetry must be used for the positive social, political, and economic development of the majority of society. He aims to inspire those chills that make you frown and slightly twist up ya face in approval. His book, Never Catch Me, is out now and available at . Darius believes in the dissolution of empire and the total liberation of Africans and all oppressed people by any means available. Free All Political Prisoners. Free The People. Free The Land.

Formerly “Laylat Ash3r” or “Night of Poetry”, Odd Verse is now a collective that aims to amplify peoples’ narratives by creating platforms for the stories, ideas and perspectives of voices that deserve more representation. We create spaces of discourse, education, solidarity between communities, and collective action for causes of justice & liberation. In our monthly open mic, we honor our vision by holding a safer & braver space for local folk to express their art fully and unapologetically.

#oddversesf #laylatsh3r #medicinefornightmares #sfopenmic #lamision415

May 25


May 27

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective