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Life over Lithium

  • 3036 24th Street San Francisco, CA 94110 USA (map)

Join the People of Red Mountain in screening their documentary, People of Red Mountain: Life over Lithium. Detailing how their ancestral lands have been marred and threatened by Genocide and now the Destructive Lithium mining practices that threaten to destroy their access to clean air, water and their ancetral traditions. After the film screening, join us for a Q&A with members of People of Red Mountain or learn more about their struggle and how we can all support and uplift their struggle and those of all indigenous and oppressed people in the world today.

People of Red Mountain (Atsa Koodakuh wyh Nuwu, in Paiute) is a committee of traditional knowledge keepers and descendants of the Fort McDermitt Paiute, Shoshone and Bannock Tribes working in coalition with allies to protect our ancestral homelands. We have seen the immense impact that mining projects inflict on the land. The destruction of our cultural resources, wildlife habitat, and the contamination of our ground water are unacceptable consequences of these projects. We oppose the extraction of mineral resources from our homelands because we recognize that there is no benefit great enough to outweigh the cost. While offers made by mining interests can be tempting in a small community with limited economic resources, there is nothing in the material world that can replace our clean drinking water, our first foods, or our reciprocal relationship with the land. We know that the land carries our ancestors as well as generations yet unborn. We know that what we do to the land we do to ourselves.Gary Mckinney is a leader of Protect Mcdermitt Caldera 

April 26

Sendero Gráfico; printmaking tour project with Daniel Gonzalez and Pável Acevedo,

April 28

Letter Writing and Correspondence hosted by the San Francisco Solidarity Collective